Monday, June 14, 2010

Passover Photo Essay from March '09

This is the Photo Essay of Passover at BYU that received an SPJ award.

Tyler Russell pours a Cup of Blessings as part of The Kiddush at The Seder Service of Passover Saturday evening in the Wilkinson Center.

A man looks at his Haggadah during a Seder Service of Passover on Saturday evening in the Wilkinson Center. Professor of ancient scripture Victor Ludlow hosted the event.
 A dinner guest who was chosen to act in the role of patriarch for his table holds up a plate of matzah.

BYU professor of ancient scripture Victor Ludlow speaks to dinner guests about the significance of Passover.

1 comment:

  1. umm. . . I was there! Why did I not see you running around taking photos?? Hope your summer is going well!
