Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Digital Photo Assignments thus far

Our first assignment was to portray why our life is awesome or why our life sucks. I decided to portray the life of a college student and how we never have food and often times the food we have is disgusting or rotten.

 Then we had to do a portrait of the most important person in our life. The first time I did my Mom. My Mom is seriously one of the best people I know. She's completely selfless and a really hard worker. 
My professor didn't really like this portrait though so I redid it, but I still like my original so I decided to put it up here anyway. The second time I tried to do a more creative. conceptual approach and had my boyfriend/ best friend Hank model for me with a lantern on a path.  We've known each other for about 5 and a half years now, and he's been a real influence for good. He's always encouraged me to pursue photography and the opportunities within it.

Then we had to do a magazine cover.  I took this picture about 4:30 or 5 in the morning while wandering around Salt Lake. I had taken my friend to the airport extremely early and then decided to go out shooting.

The next assignment was to do a self portrait with texture included in it. I won't explain the meaning behind this, but you can try and figure it out.

For the next venture we had to create our perfect world and composite at least 4 different images together. I decided my perfect world would to be up in the mountains with the stars in a nice grassy meadow. So I composited a picture of the stars together with Mount Nebo with another one of me in a field and then plopped in the moon for good measure.

After that we were told to take a color image and try and make it look like a silver gelatin print (like it's from film).

After that is when Aretha Franklin came into my life. We were assigned a random CD and listened to the music and then had to create a cover and back for it. I based my CD after the song, "You make me feel like a natural woman".

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